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Earth Design Solutions

A simplified design experience for you to explore your design and operation ideas without the time and technical constraints of other, non-specialised CAD tools.


See how Muk3D brings quick solutions to some of your problems.

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3D design for anyone


Muk3D makes the design of 3D models of dams, dumps, embankments, and excavations accessible to everyone.  Rapid design tools get you answers quickly.

Muk3D’s structures tools and dynamic models make volumetric layouts fast and simple

  • There are lots of tools in Muk3D for creating simple structures quickly.

  • Dynamic models allow for parametric design.

  • Quickly assess volumes for zoned dams or embankments.


TSF Conceptual Design


Whether it's a new TSF location for a development project, or an existing mine, part of the conceptual design process is to consider many options for TSF locations, tailings technologies, water management strategies, and geotechnical founding conditions, among many other factors.

Building a large number of dam configurations, tailings deposition etc, can take a lot of time.



Muk3D allows the rapid creation and evaluation of TSFs

Muk3D Tailings+ specialized toolsets for earthworks and mine tailings planning make it easy to assess a wide range of sites and configurations quickly. By using our advanced tools for creating dams, depositing tailings, and running volumetrics, you can evaluate options for TSF design and operations at a high level with ease and remain focused on the most viable candidate locations.

Couple the tools within Muk3D with its scripting capabilities, and it becomes possible to automate much of this process allowing for faster screening and evaluation.


TSF Planning


Once a TSF location has been selected, it's necessary to look at the development of the tailings facility over time. This aims to look at how the TSF meets key performance criteria and design parameter limitations.

For example, the TSF may meet its overall storage requirements, but if the rate of rise of perimeter dams is higher than the geotechnical founding conditions allow, it may not be possible to construct the facility while operating within safe geotechnical limits. 

As the design process for a TSF progresses, modelling over different time scales is necessary to identify and address potential issues. 

Development of tailings staging plans is central to the original development purpose of Muk3D.  There is a range of tools to allow for the modelling of tailings deposition and sequencing for both short range and long range planning, to easily create perimeter / containment dams.

Once a tailings plan has been developed, the visualisation tools within Muk3D make it simple for users to share their plans a set of high-quality images or animations.

Muk3D’s specialised toolset makes the development of staging plans easy

TSF Operational Support


Operators of a TSF are aware that actions have consequences.  Decisions made today can have impacts felt long into the future.  Muk3D allows operators to simulate various scenarios such as design decisions and/or operating philosophies to see how the they can positively or negatively affect the safety, costs, and performance of the TSF in the future.


Once a deposition model has been created for a TSF, the user can quickly rerun sequences with varying parameters, deposition locations, or water management strategies and get rapid feedback on how their input changes impact the future state of the TSF. 


This information can be used as part of the decision making process and help ensure that the safest, most economical path forward is chosen.

Identify Potential Risks & Opportunities to Make Better Informed Decisions

Tailings Survey


High-level TSF runout modelling

risk (1).png

As part of a comprehensive design process, it's essential to consider the impacts on the community and environment in the event of a tailings dam failure.  Planning for failure allows for the TSF operators to better understand the risks associated and enable them to develop effective contingency plans.

The rigorous modelling of TSF failure can be very time-consuming and require considerable expertise to run accurately.

Depending on the mode of failure for the TSF, Muk3D provides some tools to model the slumping and runout of tailings from a TSF upon failure.

There are many unknowns when it comes to dambreak modelling. While Muk3D does not attempt to quantify the parameters relating to dam breach, it does allow the user to simulate a range of possible scenarios and start to put bounds on what the worst case could possibly be.

Muk3D’s Dambreak tools have also been used by consultants as a quick check on more rigorous models to ensure that the results make sense from a volumetric perspective.

Brumadinho Dam Break Analysis in Muk3D

High-level runout analysis can be done in minutes with Muk3D’s Dambreak tools

Improve Compliance with Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management Goals


All TSF operators should strive to operate their facilities with the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment and zero tolerance for human fatalities. 


To this end, the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GIST) outlines principles that owners, operators, and designers should adhere to through the design, construction, operation, and closure of TSFs.


ICMM Conformance Protocols for the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management

Improve Risk Management

With Muk3D, TSF designers and operators can generate data that can help fulfill many of the principles of the GIST, simulate the performance of their tailings facility under different conditions, whether it be climate change, management strategies, tailings technologies through to integration with OMS plans and closure planning.

Use the Muk3D Simulation Add-On and run your models stochastically providing both a systematic and quantitative approach to risk assessment, design, planning, monitoring, and regulatory compliance.




It is important to enhance understanding in tailings planning, where the technical aspects can be difficult for non-experts to comprehend. Visualization can be particularly useful in communicating complex concepts to non-technical stakeholders, such as community members or regulators.

Communicate your ideas with great images and animations and facilitate the collaboration among stakeholders, including regulators, community members, and industry experts.

Don't leave it up to other people's imaginations for how your project should look. Create realistic visualizations of your tailings facility and help stakeholders better understand the facility's design and operation.

Incorporate air photos and thematic shading overlaid on your models to create powerful images that clearly communicate your concept to others.

Expand your visualization and create interactive dashboards using Excel or Goldsim to communicate the system dynamics and risk assessment more intuitively.

Enhance Understanding

Foster Collaboration

Goldsim User Interface to a Muk3D Planning Model

Take a Risk-Based Approach to Tailings Planning


Connect the Muk3D Simulation Add-On with Excel and Goldsim simulation software to be able run your simulation and scenarios systematically.

By connecting with these software, you can rapidly simulate multiple scenarios, whether dam configurations, deposition patterns, extreme weather events or equipment failure among others, and rapidly test the effectiveness of your designs and management plans.

By identifying and mitigating potential risks early on in the planning process, this approach enables you to optimize the design and construction of tailings storage facilities, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and effectively.



Turn your existing Excel mass-balance spreadsheet into direct inputs to a deterministic Muk3D simulation. Select the period you want to simulate and run your tailings deposition and sequencing scenarios.

Connect Goldsim and use distributions as input parameters to represent uncertainty and variability. Run your stochastic simulation to quantify potential risks and identify challenges before they become actual problems.

Both Excel and Goldsim will simplify your options evaluation and sensitivity analysis from Excel or GoldSim rapidly evaluating large numbers of parameter combinations quickly.

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Customisation and Automation with Python


All versions of Muk3D support Python scripting and macro recording.  With some basic of knowledge of the Python programming language, you can take the existing elements within Muk3D and join them into more complicated models or workflows.

Whether you're interested in simplifying the post-processing of deposition run results, evaluating many options for sensitivity analysis, or automating your tailings planning process, the Python scripting capabilities within Muk3D can help simplify your design processes.

Muk3D comes bundled with a range of scientific libraries for Python, and you're able to incorporate use other open source libraries as you need.

Create new functions or custom workflows with Python

Explore Our List of Software Solutions

Ready to explore our range of software solutions? Check out our List of Software page for a complete overview of our offerings. From earthworks modelling to tailings planning and risk management, we've got you covered with cutting-edge tools and features. Click here to learn more and choose the best software for your needs.

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